Our highest-level goals are split into our ‘Vision’ and ‘Mission’. These can mean different things in different companies. Here is how we define them…
Our vision is the idealistic future that we are working to create. Our long-term view of the world which gives us purpose. Other companies hopefully share our vision and we celebrate them working to create the same future. Our vision will likely never change. It’s the thing that gets us out of bed and our users into bed.
<aside> 👉 Less screens, more sex.
Sex is one of the most natural, powerful parts of being human. It’s a basic primal instinct. So, why are we overthinking it, worrying about it, and even avoiding it?
We live in a modern hyper-connected world that is lonelier than ever. Over a third of young adults haven’t had sex in the past year. Not because they don’t want to, but because modern life is drowning them in screens, bad advice, and unrealistic expectations. Real human connection has taken a backseat.
Here’s the truth: Your sex life mirrors your mental state. When you deprioritize sex and in real life human connections, you shrink. Your confidence dies. Your relationships suffer. And you end up settling for way less than you deserve. Disconnection tanks your wellbeing and isolates you further. The death spiral continues.
That changes now. We are here to give humanity its sex life back. Sex positivity isn’t just for the fringe hippies and niche kink communities. It’s too important. It’s for everyone. Feeling good in your body. Connecting deeply with another person. Embracing pleasure. These are fundamental to living a full, authentic life.
Our vision? Make sex positivity universal in a way that gets young people having more sex. Create a world where people talk openly about intimacy— no awkwardness, no shame. When you feel free to want and be wanted, your confidence soars, your empathy grows, and society thrives. It’s time to break the cycle. Stop overthinking. Reclaim this vital part of your humanity. Let’s build that future—together.
Our Mission is our best bet and a key milestone on our way to building our vision. It is the direction we are heading in right now. As Mojo matures and makes an impact on the world, our mission will evolve to take further steps towards our vision.
<aside> 👉 More sex for modern men.
Men today are struggling with sex in ways most people don’t see. Anxiety, shame, a lack of confidence, and bad advice are creating a sexless generation. Society either ignores their struggles or labels their sexuality as something dangerous and “toxic.”
Enough is enough. We’re here to help men break free from these outdated stories and get real about what it means to be a sexually confident man. Because when a guy is comfortable in his own skin, it doesn’t just help his sex life—it boosts his mental health, relationships, and overall sense of purpose.
No shallow pick-up lines or fake swagger. We’re talking about a modern masculine revolution. A generation of sexually confident men, speaking up without fear, and fostering support networks and relationships they can rely on. The world needs more good men. That’s the real goal—and we’re all in.